Mae Miss Mapletree yn dychwelyd am ‘Murder at the Bakeoff’.
Achos chwilfrydig iawn o lofruddiaeth fwyaf aflan. Dyma’r ffair bentref flynyddol yn Pokeingham-Softly-on-the-wold, ac fel bob amser, mae’r Gystadleuaeth Pobi Pentref yn cael ei chystadlu’n boeth. Gyda bwrdd yn griddfan o dan bwysau detholiad gogoneddus o gacennau a nwyddau da, mae’n edrych yn debygol o fod yn benderfyniad anodd i’r beirniad gwadd enwog Miss Mapletree. Wrth i’r blasu fynd rhagddo, gwneir darganfyddiad brawychus. Pwy wnaeth wenwyno Shortcake Supreme Mrs Fletcher? Miss Mapletree ar yr achos …
Ymunwch â ni ddydd 25 Ionawr 2025 am 7 pm i helpu i ddatrys y llofruddiaeth wrth fwynhau cinio 3 chwrs blasus am ddim ond £45 y person.
Ffoniwch 01286 674477 neu e-bostiwch i archebu!
Miss Mapletree Returns for ‘Murder at the Bakeoff’.
A deliciously curious case of murder most foul. It’s the annual village fete in sleepy Pokeingham-Softly-on-the-Wold, and as always, the Village Baking Competition is hotly contested. With a table groaning under the weight of a glorious selection of cakes and goodies, it looks set to be a tricky decision for celebrity guest judge Miss Mapletree. As the tasting gets underway, a shocking discovery is made. Who poisoned Mrs Fletcher’s Strawberry Shortcake Supreme? Miss Mapletree is on the case…
Join us on Saturday 25th January 2025 at 7 pm to help solve the murder whilst enjoying a delicious 3 course dinner for just £45 per person.
Call 01286 674477 or email to book!